
Implementation of DOE (Design of Experiments)

Implementation of DOE (Design of Experiments)

Measurement Systems

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1. Objective:

Using DOE to identify process control variables that affect the variability of the target or desired characteristic in product production.



2. Methodology:

  • Personalized consulting and diagnostics in statistical process control tools through Design of Experiments (DOE)

  • Work sessions with the production area team

  • SPC assigns a senior consultant as the project leader with periodic visits and a work schedule


3. Deliverables:

Development of a design of experiments within the manufacturing processes, identifying target variables and the relationship between interactions and selected factors to control the desired characteristic.



4. Benefits:

✅ Consulting on a design of experiments within manufacturing processes

✅ Main effects plot

✅ Interaction plot

✅ Surface/contour analysis

✅ Optimization of results

✅ Sample size and test power

✅ Exercises, interpretation, and conclusions

✅ Fractional factorial designs

✅ Half fraction

✅ Quarter fraction

✅ Alias structure and confounding

✅ Resolution of fractional designs

✅ Exercises, interpretation, and conclusions




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